JAKARTA - World trust in the ability of the Indonesian people and government to maintain peace in Papua is very high.
This trust is based on the fact that Indonesia is one of the largest democracies in the world that has a major role in maintaining and enforcing peace in many places on earth.
"The trust of the world community in our ability to solve problems in Papua and West Papua is very high. after all Indonesia is a role model that on various occasions succeeded in proving that democracy is the best formulation for resolving conflicts of interest, "said the message conveyed by international relations lecturers from the State Islamic University (UIN) in JakartaTeguh Santosa, received by the editor.The True Message was delivered in response to the statement of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Michelle Bachelet. According to Teguh, Bachelet's statement delivered this Wednesday (4/9/2019) clearly shows that trust.
in his statement, Bachelet said that he had been disturbed by the increase in violence in Papua Province and West Papua Province, Indonesia, since December 2018. The violence had claimed lives among civil society and security forces.
Bachelet has discussed this issue with the authorities in Indonesia and encouraged the Indonesian government to improve dialogue with the people of Papua and West Papua Provinces and listen to their aspirations.
In addition, Bachelet also requested that internet access in the two provinces be restored immediately.
"I can capture Bachelet's concern in his statement. Like Michele Bachelet, we are all concerned and are currently working to restore the situation, "Teguh said.
the former Chair of the Foreign Affairs Division of the PP Pemuda Muhammadiyah had interacted with the UN Commission IV which handled Special Politics and Decolonization. In 2011 and 2012, Teguh was invited to become a petitioner of the Western Sahara dispute which was included in the list of non-self governing territories.
"There is no Papua in the list of non-self governing territories of the UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (1960). But the efforts of several countries to intervene in the list and include Papua and West Papua Provinces, Indonesia, are indeed quite serious, "Teguh said.
the former Chair of the Foreign Affairs of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) also mapped, the Indonesian government must be able to provide an appropriate public frame. There needs to be a consistent key message that what is happening with Papua and Papuan society is not racism or racism.
the proof is, there is no legal product in Indonesia that places the Papuan people as a different community group from other community groups in Indonesia.
many Papuan leaders occupy important positions in executive and legislative bodies at both the national and local levels, also in the TNI and in the National Police.
the problems faced by the people of Papua Province and West Papua Province in general are the same as those experienced in other places in Indonesia, namely inequality and injustice in development, mismanagement of government, massive corruption, and so on.
firmly also said it was necessary to give opportunities to Papuan leaders to become "spokesmen" who explained the situation in Papua and West Papua.
"The information screen should not be dominated by faces that can raise doubts in Indonesian society, Papuans, and also the global community," Teguh said again.
Likewise with the priority agenda placement in order to restore the situation. according to him, in the midst of an uncertain conflict situation, the presence of security forces and law enforcement is certainly needed. But the presence of the troops should not be the main theme.
"I think it will be more interesting if the government puts forward food delivery to replace those damaged by the burning market, or send a special team to repair infrastructure damaged by the riots. also sent medical personnel to help hospitals that might have been affected by the riots. Economic operations and welfare are more important to be prioritized, "Teguh said again.
Back to Michele Bachelet's statement.
firmly underscored Bachelet's remarks in the statements of President Joko Widodo and other high-ranking officials who invited dissatisfied parties to dialogue.
"Bachelet's call for the government to protect journalists, human rights activists and pro-democracy groups also needs to be heeded," Teguh said.
Solihin / Rls